Andre Cronje is DeFi Jesus

Farm Academy DeFi
2 min readOct 29, 2020

DeFi is dead shouted by skeptics and speculators. Everything interesting has already been invented and it is no longer possible to fish in this topic, experienced crypto enthusiasts echoed them. And so it went on for the whole last month, but on October 28 Andrе Cronje proved the opposite. As if by a wave of Andre’s hand, his new project allowing developers to look for work in the Keep3RV1 decentralized finance system proved that we are at the very beginning of a huge journey. After writing in his blog about the launch of the first version of the project and the creation of a smart contract for Uniswap, which allows exchanging ETH for the KP3R token, Andre launched an irreversible process, because in just a day the cost of the token increased from $ 1.39. up to 350, and this is clearly not the limit, judging by the active exchange of ETH for a token. And this is easy to explain, because according to the Keep3RV1 project, employers need to pour liquidity into the pool in order to use it to interact with potential employees. Already, the top blockchain DeFi companies have announced the use of the project. Jobs being reviewed for: Hegic (Pool maintenance), Aave (Liquidation), Synthetix (multiple), Yearn (multiple), Cream Finance (Liquidations). Read carefully this commandment of Andre and do not doubt that there is a huge future for decentralized finance in the blockchain. Thank you Andre Cronje, you are a real DeFi Jesus.

“Tokens are not stocks.

People treat them like stocks, in defi, tokens are a coordination mechanism. If you have tokens, it is because you want to be a contributor, not a bystander. There is this concept of “community”, and I think that concept is causing friction, it should not be team and community, but instead contributors. There is no separation, they are one and the same”.



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